Social psychologist Irving Janis defined Groupthink Theory as sacrificing individual discernment for apparent group consensus (Communication Theory, 2011). Facilitated by charismatic leaders and exacerbated byRead More
Social psychologist Irving Janis defined Groupthink Theory as sacrificing individual discernment for apparent group consensus (Communication Theory, 2011). Facilitated by charismatic leaders and exacerbated byRead More
Almost half a century ago, The Godfather Part II, directed by Francis Ford Coppola (1974), first revealed the alarming scope of systemic corruption, foreshadowing its amplificationRead More
Amid the digital normalization of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) characteristics in society, a scholarly imperative emerges for communications and mental health professionals to discern andRead More
As a visual journalist designing over a dozen US newspapers each week, I experience sustained negative affective arousal through regular exposure to tragic syndicated andRead More